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The vibe for this project was - upscale, stylish and masculine. Coming up with the idea for the logo was by far the most challenging part of this design package. Once that was in, we were rolling! Given the size of the bottles, the packaging design had its own difficulties in regard to legibility, which were solved by carefully selecting the typefaces used. Slapping the marketing material and merch together was a breeze. All in all - sweet outcome.



The rebranding of the Opus pendants into the new Luminus line was an exciting opportunity to utilize my full range of skills. Executing the project from begging to end involved the photographing and retouching of all products and designing the packaging for the new product line.


This packaging design project for Belle is one of my favorites. Considering that the target market for the product is mainly women who indulge in self-care, I was naturally steered in a direction I wouldn't normally go. Instead of my go-to dark and moody, I went for light and airy, more feminine design.

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